viddeo of thee week ;

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

a girl's bestfriend ;)

&if this fountain was in Chesapeake i'd drink from it everyday (: lol
-Chocolates & diamonds are a girls bestfriend. next to that mulla ! aha.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

whos better? hmmm

for my nigga QUi$

- Liar:n. someone who tells lies

- Lie:n. a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood. v. to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive.

*Pathelogical Liars & *Compulsive Liars: liars that are often goal-oriented as long as they get their own way. They are usually seen as manipulative, cunning and egotistical. Most become or Habitual lsr, lieing out of habit.

Warning Signs of Pathological Liars:

+Lie to control and get their own way
+Often change stories
+Exaggerate, lying about almost everything, but tell the truth about major ones
+Not value truth
+Live in their own reality most of the time
+Behave defensively when questioned or challenged
+Lie for sympathy
+Don’t admit they lie
+Contradict what they say because they don’t remember their lies, although there are exceptions


Monday, August 9, 2010

* how is it that ...

even though yhu try to push someone out of yhur life they still there?
- does this mean anything?
- &nd if so, what does it mean?
two people cant be "put together not be together".
thadd makes sense righ? smh. love is complicated aint it?

"I hate whoever aint you hate when I cant date you but I also need my space too
I made room for this love.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

-myyy birthdayyy *

august 4th 2010. i had so much fun (: thanks to Shanail, Janai, Greg, Gaston, and my Troy . lol. im not old as hell yet but when i think about gettin older and all thee things ive been through to only be 16 i be like this shidd crazey haha. but naw all in all ive had a good life. from people walkin in and out of my life to be people hurtin me mentally and emotionally from the times when me and my ma really struggled, its all worth it though cause i noe GOD has more in store for me and he wouldnt put these hard times in front of me if i couldnt handle them. i just wanna say thank yhu GOD for blessin me to see another birthday and spend it with the people i love (:

Thursday, July 29, 2010

f e m a l e s

why do us females say we're not suin when we really are?

question ?

* -aren't people suppose to change when they get in relationships ?


maury !

so im smh-in like 50 billion times at this couple on maury. im down stairs eatin some soup and this lady boyfriend had to tell her a secret, (like they always do) and so she comes on stage, already cryin cause she scared, and then he tells her he got 3secrets: he cheated on her w/ 5 females, 1 of the 5 females were her friend, and the 3 secret is tht her friend baby might be his. SMH SMH SMDH SMDH.

so the results come in and thi nigga ... IS NOT THE FATHER !!!

i noe his girl siked, but regardless if i were her i wouldnt go bck with him, heck i wouldnt even be on the show. most people on the maury show are ignorant, but atleast its funny (:

so i get this card in the mail

and its from my father and it says..

You'll always be my little girl,
that's never gonna change
Well, I can't always tie hur shoes -
that mightbe kinda strange
And I can't hold your hands foever,
but it's hard to let it go.
And I can't fix all your mistakes
because you'll learn from some - I know.
I have to let you spread your wings
and reach up for the sky.
And though I worry you might fall,
i love to watch you fly ...
But just remember this one thing,
because it's alwy true -
No matter what the future holds,
i'm always here for you

i almost cried ... ilove yhu daddy

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010

lies vs. the truth

being honest is very important , but sometimes the truth hurts. it might reveal suin someone might not want to hear, but in the end it dosent mtter wht they wanna here its just whts right ....